Let’s change the face of Valentine’s Day… Flowers and chocolates are not a thing of the past, but consumers are looking for new ways to celebrate this day. No matter what generation you fall under, celebrating this day can be with your significant other, family, friends and our beloved pets. Valentine theme sales and promotions are what our audience seeks. We must highlight all the important relationships people have. Reaching our audience in a fun and memorable way will impact their experience. Always align your promotional offers with the sentiment of Valentine’s Day. Providing your customers with a 2 for 1 deal can really boost their experience.

♥ Offer discounts, giveaways or promotional deals
- Calculate which deals can be beneficial for your business in the long term. Offering customers giveaways or discounts to your online website can really increase traffic.
- Once you have established which offers best suit your business and your customers. Use all your tools to make sure your customer’s aware of the great deals. Promote your discounts or giveaways on social media platforms, business website, email notification and or paid advertisement. Remember that not everyone has a significant other. You must promote self-love its who needs it the most.
♥ Last-minute shoppers
- You can’t forget that life can get in the way and you have your last-minute shoppers trying to find their significant other for that special day. Creating a page with pre-arranged gift ideas and amazing deals can be exactly what your customer is looking for. Usually these shoppers will be doing google searches for “gifts for valentine’s day”. Why not facilitate their search.
♥ Redesign your website and social media pages
- How are you going to get your audience in the spirit of Valentine’s Day? How can you encourage your audience? Alert them of the promotions you have going on. Do a makeover on your website and social media accounts. Changing your profile image and banners to motivate your audience can really make a difference. A great way to interact with your customers is by doing a photo contest with one of the items purchased from your business. Winner can get a sweet gift for participating. The key is to interact with them, by creating a simple Valentine’s Day poll. Your audience will be engaged with your brand and you will also get an insight into what your customers like. Creating a hashtag is a great tool that is perfect to link your business and the occasion.
♥ Send Valentine’s Push Notifications/ Email Marketing
- Push notifications are sent directly to the user’s device via mobile app. The advantage of sending short messages through an icon or app keeps your users engaged. This increases your revenue as your audience sees the great deals available.
- Email marketing is a way to reward your existing customers with some exclusive deals. Give them insights on the amazing products available and encourage them to start doing their Valentine’s Day shopping early and take advantage of the great deals.
Show how much you care by giving them an experience to remember this Valentine’s Day.